21st-Century Skills


In today’s changing world, the skills needed to be successful have changed. Thanks to modern technology, our students need a skillset that focuses more on the skills of communication, collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking; than on the factory model of education upon which traditional classroom teaching is modeled.

Multi-age Classrooms

Multi-age classrooms are an integral component of CAMP. As a part of this program, children are able to learn and develop as individuals, spend more time with the same teachers, develop a sense of family with their classmates, and develop a sense of ownership and self-direction in their learning.

In multi-age classrooms, students are more likely to cooperate than compete. This spirit of cooperation and caring makes it possible for children to help each other as individuals, not see each other as competitors. Older children model more sophisticated approaches to problem solving, and younger children are able to accomplish tasks they could not do without the assistance of older children.

Age-ranges within each CAMP classroom are dependent on current enrollment, academic levels and developmental needs of each student.